Sunday, 18 January 2015

A couple of reports (ringed birds) etc.

The first shot is of a Herring gull juv. taken yesterday in Marine park, South Shields. Almost 3 weeks now since the bird was picked up here (to the best of my knowledge) and it's still hanging about. Despite a few folk sending reports off, there's been no data sent back regarding this bird as yet as far as I know.

The second shot is of a G.B.B. gull juv. taken at North Shields fish quay whilst the 'white winger' show was taking place.  Within a few day's of sending a email (to the wrong ringing group) they passed it onto the 'right' one and despite the poor shot submitted -this bird was recorded.

Ringed in Norway as a bairn last year. ( permission required about sharing data publicly with some ringing groups).

Monday, 5 January 2015

A few from the now binned memory card.

 I didn't hold much hope of getting anything from the faulty memory card I used last Friday at North Shields. I was over moon when 'tech-head' son visited yesterday, armed with gadgets and disc's that I'll never begin to understand and he managed to just about get every shot taken off the card.

 The 3 above are the 'Viking'  Glaucous bird.
 This is the same bird in different light later that day during a feeding frenzy.

''True' Glaucous the 3 above shot's me think's, taken during the same gull free for all

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Back over the water again.

 Ventured back to the fish quay again this afternoon. This time with fully working camera gear! after yesterdays fantastic views and disappointment.
It took a while on this visit before I picked up a Glaucous briefly rested on the main shed roof.
 The Iceland gull put on a canny show again today keeping about a dozen folk here entertained hoping for better Glauc. views.

 After about a hour and a half here I wandered back towards the car with the light really fading fast. Couple of boats moored on the public walkway attracted the gulls again like yesterday..and yip a Glauc. was again fighting for scraps here. More than likely the same bird seen previously.

Picked up on 2 colour ringed gulls today also, one a adult B.H. gull which had a white colour ring which I couldn't get close too for info. and a GBB gull juv. trying to gleam info off the photo.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Just across the water...Twice!

Unusual post from myself regarding no pic's. due to numpty levels beyond belief and memory card problems.
Popped over to North Shields fish quay this morning with hopes of getting good views of larger 'white wingers' that had been reported here. Wasn't disappointed, 2 Glaucous gull's were rested on the roof of the shed with the words 'North Shields fish quay' on it on my first visit...2nd winter Iceland gull floated by also just to pee me off a little more..(.forgot to pick up the camera battery).

Crossed the Tyne again this afternoon (with camera battery) to find one of the star gulls in the same spot as seen previously, the now 'Viking' bird. Again the Iceland gull give great views as it floated up and down on the wind here. The 'true' Glaucous was picked up on another shed roof briefly before it done a one.

I had just about given up hope of any better views when the heaven's opened and took shelter in the car. And then one of the fishing boats right in front of where I'd parked started to flush it's hull ...Gull feeding frenzy commenced! Brilliant views had of both these birds. ( memory card problems). And the Iceland gull floated by again......

On a happier note it was great to see a few old faces known.. and meet a few unknown.