Saturday, 9 November 2013

First post for a while,a few of the last few weeks.

 I haven't really been out much over the last few weeks due to a few reasons. But here's a few selected shots. The above Snow bunting ; this shot was taken at Sandhaven on the 21st of last month only a single bird present on this visit,before good numbers started to show up along the eastern coastal areas.
 A Marsden car park Med. gull. I think this is the regular one we've had here for years outside of the breeding season, its certainly acting like as in previous years .ie coming to bread and hanging out at the same sites. The only difference is a change to the bill pattern, far more black and less yellowy colour now to the tip.
 I had a enjoyable 20 minutes at Whitburn steel beach not so long back, just sitting watching the wader action which was cut short by human activity. But hopefully I'll get back soon when its a little quieter.
 From Marsden car park again... What a scrap going off with these two Jackdaws here on this day. I had to stop my better half from wanting to step in! Both birds left looking ok, just a few feathers missing.
 And today.. I had a quick look around the Sandhaven/pier area after being told of around 20 of these delights here yesterday. Managed to pick up at least 10 in 3 different small gatherings, 5, 3 and 2. Could well be more in the Dunes area that is fenced off for good reason.


  1. Nice pics as always, Steve. Good to know that you're still blogging. After more than two months without a post, I was starting to think you'd given up.


  2. Cheers Malcolm, my mojo birding and reporting wise has been on a low lately hopefully its starting to kick back in.
