Sunday, 9 March 2014

Nice Yankee in Jarra.

 Sunday morning and the phone alert buzzes via the twitter account, the Green-winged teal had been picked up again near St.Pauls on the Don. Well this brought me to life and made the decision for me where to have a wander for a couple of hours.
 Bumped into a couple of the regular Jarra lads first off when I landed, but they had no luck and the three of us didn't either as we walked the Slake road section of the Don here.
Goodbyes exchanged with these lads on the return journey and a wander around to the old Jarra bridge area next. Mr F. junior was on the bridge as I made my way around the bend of the Don heading in this direction. Mark had been watching the bird for sometime from the bridge....Typical I went the wrong way!..
Great views had by every one of this rare yankee in  jarra.