A mundane shopping spree in Wilkinsons down Shields today was rudely interrupted(thankfully!) when news of this Bee-eater reached my mobile whilst here. "Just GO" was the better halves words when I let on what the phone conversations were regrading, "no pet, lets finish the shopping first" my reply....(itching to get away). Twenty minutes or so later, the bins and camera were parked in the car and the better half dropped at home.
After eventually finding the street in suburban Seaburn where the belter was hanging out, I joined the 20-30 aerial watchers assembled here at this time. What the locals must have thought is different matter, but a few of them pulled up and asked what all the fuss was about and were quite taken back once they sighted this colourful visitor to their neighbourhood.
The bird made the most of a nest of wasps in one of houses here and regularly returned to the same vantage point over looking this food source.
Needless to say this was a fantastic encounter just over the ST border and even sweeter as its a first for myself also. I bet Ive got to get the better half onto this bird tomorrow if its still around...
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