Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Hawthorne dene in a nut shell

Lovely bright sunny day and off down to Hawthorn dene we went, a site that both myself and Jan love. Not only is a nice walk but the attraction of the small feeding area here always is a draw, especially when Marsh tit are virtually guaranteed here and Yaffles just laugh at us looking for them!.
The woods were a little quite until we reached the feeding area and settled down to watch once we placed some seed down. Within seconds Blue,Great,Coal and Marsh tits were down! Along with Nuthatch’s, Blackies,Chaffies and Robins all within 10 feet away giving excellent views. At least 4 Marsh tits visited. Feeling the cold wind after 10 minutes here we pressed on further towards the sea…this is when we heard the Yaffle laughing, a sound we are used to often. Just before the steps that go down the steep valley here the green woody sounded again this time much closer!. We stopped and viewed the valley a few times before back tracking as it called again further from the direction we had came from.
And then I caught sight of the illusive bugger on a tree before it flew west up the valley allowing myself and Jan brief but good views in flight….
A first for Jan and only the second time I’ve seen a one in over 30 years!. a massive bogey has been picked out and flicked!..but we hope for better views next time.
Also seen here of note were Kestrel, Great spot.wood and 2 Woodcocks(a surprise find).
Tried Herrington cp. After the shopping trip to Dalton park on the way home… nowt out of the oridinary seen.
Boldon flats much the same as yesterday- except no Pinkie here on our visit today but at least 10 Snipe and a pair of Dunlin and a ST year tick of a male Gadwall not a common bird for us in our boro.


  1. Good to hear you had the last laugh with the Yaffle Steve, well done!

  2. Its about time Neil thanks.More pleased Jan seen the "Green goblin", even briefly.
