Had wanted to venture along the pier but yet again on this walk the gate was locked!
But pleased to view the great work ST council are making in the dunes area here as Ive not visited for a few weeks. The sand dunes have been surrounded with fences and signs telling the public "no access". A "planting up" of the dunes with native species of dune type plants is well under way to preserve the sand dunes here. Seeds where collected from the Druridge bay area (with kind permission) and are now in the hands of expert growers.
I live in hope of a few terns or other bird species taking advantage of this enclosed area.
It was a case of the sunny side of the street in Saxon way today! The general view was about 60 Waxwings present today , but very difficult to pin down a exact number as they have been very flighty over the last few days, with loads of Mistle thrushes around. Plus any crow that flew over put the birds up!
This wintering female Blackcap joined in the berry feast today here, this area of Jarra is a well known one for wintering Blackcap.
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