Its been a while since we've seen a canny fall along our coastal stretch so when the weather broke for a short time yesterday it was time to get out and see whats about.Straight down to Trow first off. The first bird I seen as I approached the holy turf was a Snipe flying over the bowl area, canny start!. Then the first of a good number of Redstarts was encountered by the old owl tree.Once in the bowl area it was a case of were to start first as there appeared to be birds flitting about all over the place!. The most obvious birds were thrush's and Song thrush was the most numerous species of these here, with just about every tree and bush around the area holding these.(probably the most ive seen in total all year). Followed by smaller numbers of Blackbirds. Redstarts flew around the cliff lines here and smaller jobbies including Goldcrests, Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers and a male Blackcap darted about the bushes and trees. In the eastern section of the Quarry a first for me here (I think?) in the form of... a Blue tit..yes its a mega for here!
Once on the mound area of the Leas more Redstarts and over 30 Wheatears feeding in this area, plus another unusual sighting for this area of about 30 Greenfinchs flying around also a charm of about 80 Goldfinch's. Supporting cast passing thro- of Meadow pipits, a few Skylarks, Swallows and House martins.
The it was along to the Whitburn coastal park to try for the Rosefinch which I was told about. Once out of the car here and wet stuff started to fall again, after about 10 minutes in the last area it had been seen in, the white flag went up. The rain at this time was horizontal and my wet cold legs couldn't take anymore.(soft shite I know).
So this morning it was back down to the Rosefinch site again in better weather conditions, but its looks like the bugger had moved off as no one to my knowledge have seen it today. But never mind I did get to see my first Spotted flycatcher of the year(had almost given up on this one) around the back of the ringing mound.
Back down Trow again later today and most of the migrants were still around except for far fewer Songies and Wheatears. So I tried for a few record shots today ...record being the word, as the fog had rolled in by this time and the light was crap!
Chiffchaff, (Goldcrest first shot)
Willow Warbler (below)
All the above shots were taken in a favourite spot in Trow, inside the tree cover here.
Male Blackcap
These one's just outside of here, a few Siskin with a small charm of Goldfinchs.
A merry dance was had by the Redstarts on the Leas mound, but added bonus of a Whinchat and Lesser Whitethroat on todays visit.
A few from the ringing hut today-
Redwing (my first this Autumn)
Great spotted Woodpecker
Garden Warbler (below)
Whilst on a walk along side Shearwater est. I picked up a Yellow-browed Warbler, nice! as its a couple of years since ive seen one. Then the phone went.....sharpish around to the ringing hut again.
Its only a Pallas's Grasshopper warbler !!!! a mega rare for the british mainland. Not a bad way to end the day and this short post. More pic's hopefully to follow when I get them...thats the problem being a short arse in a crowded place.
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