Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Mud glorious mud.

Not the average post from myself this one as its not bird related, but it is concerning wildlife in our local area.
Yesterday a site meeting was held with a few local lads and an official from the local council, this was to look into certain areas along the river Don which could possibly be ear marked for improvement in the near future. A excellent step forward in the right direction everyone who attended thought.
Whilst on this walk-about a section of this small tidal river was inspected for signs of another mammal that's highly illusive sightings wise.
Plenty prints were found and also spraint (shit) all very fresh! high tide had been at 6am this day, so these were maybe only a few hours old. (mobile pic.). I was just pleased to see this evidence after learning of a dead Otter found some months back in the area.

 A scheme was set up a few years back to try and help any Otter/s on this stretch of river with man-made holts being positioned at un-disclosed locations.
These mammals have been sighted around the mouth of this river, were it enters the Tyne and as far up this small river/stream as the Testoes pond area in Boldon.(to the best of my knowledge) Plus a couple of garden ponds have been raided for the fish these contain, the owners didn't mind one bit once they found what was pinching their fish! in fact they welcomed this unusual visitor.(who wouldn't? unless your carp are worth thousands.).

Hopefully one day a sight like this might occur along the Don. ( a mother with off spring on the Wear this year).

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