Saturday, 20 August 2011

Couple of visits local this week

A request for info. about Roseate terns in our area this week got me out of my scratcher early on Wednesday morning. I was down on Sandhaven at 6.15 am with just a few madder than me fishermen on the pier for company trying for Mackerel. This visit was totally fruitless regarding Terns except for a handfull of Common terns feeding just off the shore and none where rested up on the beach or rocks next to the pier.

But a wander into Marine park on the way back was a nice visit. After seeing Ian Mc's post on the CCG site the night before I thought I would have a peek to see if the Tufty young-uns where still around,and their were....Mother and 2 bairns doing well!. Fingers are crossed they manage to survive the Herring gull on-slaught unlike a couple of broods of Mallards this year here. Last year a single Tufty chick swam around without the company of its mother for a day or so..but was never seen again after this. How the question is where are the ducks nesting???

Pochard young have also been seen on this public, man- made lake buts its been a few years since I seen a duckling from this species here.

The drake Mandarin was on show also on this early morning visit and seems to be looking a little better plumage wise since I last seen him last...a few weeks back.

Early morning exercise with the handfull of Mutes on the lake, I think they thought I had food.

Yesterday I wandered down to the pier area again in the early evening with Max in tow. Again pants for Terns, nowt resting in the usual places, just a few off the shore feeding. But picked up on wader movement on the south side of the pier from Sandhaven(regular roost area around the high tide mark). By the time I parked me arse on the pier wall and viewed the waders it was evident a few "not so common" birds for here where present. This visit resulted in 3 Knots being seen in various plumage stages ..Turnstones numbers still high for here with numerous youngsters and some really nicely coloured adults. Along with Redshanks with juvs. Plus great to see 3 Purple Sandpipers , one very dark coloured bird(adult still in s.p) and a very light coloured one (juv. ??).

Its not been the best year for Terns so far here, and I haven't heard of "great numbers" at Whitburn either.( Spoilt rotten last year me thinks!).

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