Sunday, 7 August 2011

Second bite with the Bonaparte's.

A stroll along the cliffs at Whitburn early afternoon today (when the weather started to break) resulted in myself and Jan walking further than we first thought we were going to today.(Max liked this). A solitary lad with a scope informed us the Bonaparte's gull had been in this area but had flown off in the direction of Roker pier. Jan wanted to see the bird so we ventured across the South Tynside border and eventually ended up at the Cat and Dog beach area(never been here before myself!) Don't know how the small cafe here does any business with the stench of rotten sea weed here!. About 6 lads viewing from the walkway here with scopes soon put us onto the bird just off the shore here. A new bird for our lass like it had been for me a couple of days back.

The bird was disturbed here a few time by walkers on the beach when it came back onto the shore and eventually flew off onto Roker beach. So I wandered further south with Jan and Max watching me from a safe distance.

By the time me and another lad( from boro.) had almost reached the Roker pier the bird was settled on the beach here. It then flew around us and went over the pier giving fantasic views.

Its just a pity the light wasn't better for pic's.!

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Steve, and nice pics. I was down at Whitburn by half-past eight this morning. I only had a couple of hours free time, but I didn't manage to connect with it.

    Bit of a pattern developing here. Last year I tried four times for it at Whitburn and Seaham and didn't see it.

    A cracking bird that I'd love to see and photograph. Just have to keep trying. Unfortunately, back to work tomorrow.

    Really enjoy the blog, by the way.

